Coming up in the next In the next #JungianBitsofInformation blog series "Artificial Intelligence v the Unconscious: who(!) will win the race?"

Artificial Intelligence generated art is now possible using new AI programmes. Jason Allen's work, Théàtre D'Opéra Spatial, recently won Colorado State Fair's annual art competition in the category of 'emerging digital artists' and artists are not happy
AI is fast becoming a superpower which will improve or transform people's personal and work lives. However, there are limitations of AI which raises concerns about the power of AI and society. Limitations of AI include bias in programmes which discriminate unfairly against minorities or other groups, impact on jobs and the question of ethics.
AI programmes have made it possible to create complex art simply by typing a few words into a text box. Human artists are concerned about these developments. Creative expression - which psychologically speaking originates from the #unconscious - is a deeply personal endeavour and it is understandable that artists are concerned and look at the win with unease.
Does this win raise issues about AI and ethics? In the next #JungianBitsofInformation blog series"Artificial Intelligence v the Unconscious: who(!) will win the race?" I'll talk about how the #analyticalpsychology concept of the #unconscious can provide useful insights to business leaders around the question of ethics and AI and how to develop an AI ethical policy which informs the implementation of AI in their workplace or in the development of their AI products. a blog, podcast and individual and workplace transformation service dedicated to exploring the unconscious in the workplace, specifically, the dynamics between the individual psyche and the workplace. Bringing an irrational perspective into the rational workplace.