Discover Your #Personality Type with Jungian Psychology
Understanding Jungian #Personality Type for Personal Growth
​I offer a personal #development service based on a Jungian psychoanalytic approach. It is essentially a form of #personality #development in which I work with clients to help them grow or develop a sense a #self and in relationship with others.
As a consequence, the person or #personality becomes more complete or 'transformed'.
What is #Personality #Transformation?
“The #meaning and purpose of the #individuation process is the realisation, in all aspects, of the #personality originally hidden away in the embryonic germ-plasm; the production and unfolding of the original, potential #wholeness"
(Collected Works [CW], CG Jung, Volume 8, para.186)
'The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are' CG Jung
The meeting of the two personalities, the conscious #personality and #unconscious personality in oneself is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
A unique opportunity for you to undertake an intensive exploration of your #personality and explore your underlying patterns of behaviour. The process can bring about a profound, far-reaching and deep-seated change. It’s like an innovative change, something about you develops in such a way to bring about a new #attitude and vitality.
How do you transform the #Personality?
A self-assessment questionnaire usually begins the process of transformation. You will also receive a feedback report and an opportunity to explore your report with me within the context of your workplace or relationships with work colleagues, friends and family. I offer a wide choice of self-assessment questionnaires or surveys based on Jungian #personality / psychological theory or trait theory:
o Gifts Compass Inventory™
[identifies your conscious and #unconscious #personality or #psychological type]
o Life Atlas™
[discover your conscious and #unconscious #personality and the natural aptitudes or gifts which can lead you to the work you were born for]
o Myers Briggs Type Indicator™ [identifies your conscious and #unconscious #personality type]
o Big Five Personality Questionnaire or Big Five Aspects Scale
[a comprehensive, open-source 100-item personality measure, which is scored so that you will receive information about five major personality traits and their ten aspects]
o Occupational Personality Questionnaire
[insightful assessment of potential by matching individual working preferences directly to business requirements]
o SOSIE Personality Assessment
[Two people with the same #personality traits may act differently according to their value systems. And a clash between personal and job or organisational values often lead to disillusionment in the role or with the organisation, decrease in job satisfaction, disengagement and turn-over. On the contrary, alignment between the person and the organisational values is a boost in terms of job performance, learning and #development, job satisfaction and loyalty. SOSIE is the only reliable assessment to identify a person’s #personality AND values system to reliably predict motivations, behaviour and #adaptation to a role, team and organisational #culture]
o Archetypal Leadership Styles Survey™
[Self-report or 360-degree feedback on your leadership style]
o System Stewardship Survey™
[identifies possible strengths and weaknesses in your approach to managerial leadership]
o Archetypes of Family Cultures in Organisations™
[helps you to determine the archetype most like your family of origin, to recognise the archetypal #energy you may be projecting onto organisational life, to understand the "story" you may be projecting onto organisations]
The #Personality in #Transformation
Jung’s own #personality played a significant role in the evolution of his #thinking about psychological types. His own psychological #transformation led him to become a successful and world renowned psychologist in his own right. His emergence from a long period of self-imposed #introversion between the years 1913 to 1919, led to the publication of his seminal book Psychological Types in 1921.
It is a substantial book of 700 pages which contains his theory of psychological types; the two Attitudes of #Introversion and #extraversion and the four fundamental Functions of #Sensation, #Intuition, #Thinking and #Feeling. It also contains a general view of his theories of the #unconscious. Psychological Types introduced Jung’s new psychological system to the world. The book begins with a lengthy study of the notion that there is an introverted and extraverted view of the world which may help us to better understand how conflict or differences in opinion arises between individuals.
Jung formulated a theory of the psychological types to discern the components of #consciousness.
You may be more excited or energised by the outer world, you place greater trust in facts, traditions, concrete experience and practical issues; these are extraverts.
If you are more excited or energised by the inner world, you place greater trust in #dreams, possibilities, imagination and inspiration; these are introverts.
Everyone can orient to the outer or inner world, yet each individual's #psyche is typically drawn to one orientation more than the other.
The concept of #introversion and #extraversion combined with the four functions enabled Jung to establish a system of eight psychological types, of which four are extraverted and four are introverted:
The self-assessment questionnaire enables you to discover the 8 Psychological Types within your #personality alongside your preferences for the ones you most and least enjoy. The discovery of these processes in yourself will lead you to an understanding of your #unconscious, the key to unlocking your full potential and the #transformation of your #personality.
Do any of the descriptions of the eight psychological types resonate with you?
The dynamics between the eight psychological types in your #psyche combine to form your unique #personality or #psychological type. However, for some, one or more of the types remain #unconscious, undeveloped or repressed. Some types act in collaboration or opposition with each other. These type dynamics means their true potential remains just that - potential. You can discover your potential through #personality assessment and make things happen in your personal or professional life.
I offer four Pricing Plans to explore your #psyche. However, please feel free to contact me to discuss any specific requirements.
The descriptions of the types are courtesy of authors James J Johnston and John Beebe.
Check out my motivational reading section for the reference sources.​​​​